Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Spring Banner


I can tell Spring is trying to overcome Winter. The leaves of future flowers are poking up through the ground as the dirt warms. I know some of these flowers as they have sprung up from seeds left behind since they last bloomed for the past couple of years. I am looking forward to the return of their beautiful blossoms. I planted a vegetable garden recently and now have vegetables in my garden starting to show themselves towards the sun. I have eaten a couple of radishes and the bunny has been enjoy the greens of those radishes and the stems of the broccoli. I have a Spring banner project I wanted to share with you today. It is one of those chilly days outside but I didn't let the cold detour me from making something that says happy and cheerful. I will have kits available for sale at my upcoming classes for only $5.00.


Blessings, Diane